I'm Gay, so what?

Monday, June 28, 2004 :
I'm still here.

For the first time since I can remember, I'm taking a vacation but not going anywhere. I'm at home. The purpose of the time off is to try out the new daytrading system that I have been studying and preparing for. As it turns out I picked the worst two weeks I could have to do that. The markets are very erratic and not following traditional patterns due to the turn over of power in Iraq and the anticipated interest rate hikes this week by the Fed.

So I'm on vacation and I'm getting up at 6 a.m. daily to start my trading day. I've not done well so far (surprise!). I'm keeping a trading blog/journal that I may share/link one of these days.

I also plan to keep a private blog on my spiritual development. I've been doing a lot of very interesting reading and it is some pretty cool stuff, but somehow it does not seem appropriate (yet) to share on this site. I'll link that site one day perhaps.

One thing I did the last five days was a "five day detox/cleanse" of my colon, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, blood. I've never done this before, and it will be a LONG time before I do it again! But I do feel great, and clean! Today is my first day off the cleanse. I weighed myself at the gym and I am weighing in at 175 lbs. I got this idea from the book "Secret's of the Miracle Doctors." This book is free on the internet and I highly recommend you read it. I stumbled across this book and devoured it. I never have found in one source all the things that I've been doing for several years now, and what took me a lifetime to discover -- such as supplementation, enzymes, hormone replacement, proper diet, exercise, etc. Since I've been doing all this, I hardly ever get sick anymore, and most everyone I know can't believe I'm as old as I am. Most put me at 10+ years younger than I am. Anyway, give it a look.

::: posted at 4:57 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 :
OK, I admit my ignorance about the Reagan position on Gays.

I was taken in by his personality.

Tonight I saw a documentary on Post Stonewall on KCET in Los Angeles, and I realized my ignorance of the Gay movement and how Reagan fit in.

I liked Reagan, but I don't like what he said and did toward gays in America.

I have a lot more to say about the gay movement in this country and how I fit in, but in a future post.

::: posted at 9:52 PM

Monday, June 14, 2004 :

I weighed in at the gym this weekend at 178 lbs.
Saw no movies
Did not go out
Stayed home and read most of the weekend
Slept a lot
Watched TV
Cleaned the house
Worked my body
Played with Kitty
Watched the hummingbirds fight over my feeder on my porch
Saw an AWESOME meteor fly by as I sat on my porch last night.  It was HUGE. And CLOSE. I could see the mass of the thing. It really appeared to be as low as the planes that fly into Santa Monica airport. And the city lights are really bright, so you gotta know that it was bright and close. I'm guessing close to 1,000 feet.  It burned up before impact.  Just earlier on the news I saw a story about a meteor that crashed through the roof of some lady's house!  And what is even more weird is that the book I'm reading is about UFO's.  (yeah yeah, it's my first! really! i got interested in reading about the subject after seeing some very convincing footage on the History Channel about alien abductions!)

::: posted at 7:45 PM

Tuesday, June 08, 2004 :
Today Venus transits the Sun for the first time in 121.5 years.

Times have changed since 1882. When Venus transitted the sun then, police were called into a New York park to keep order because so many people were crowding the 10 cent telescopes to take a peek. Even stock brokers took a break to see the event.

This time it will pass and hardly anyone will notice or care.

60 years ago the world was on the brink of being taken over by a dictator. A lot of people died to prevent that from happening. How many of us remember that? How many really care?

I'll tell you what. If Venus does NOT transit the sun today -- if it is somehow missing, we are all fucked.

What's my point? I have none. Other than maybe to remember. To not take things for granted. To appreciate today.

If Venus is missing, that will be even bigger news than Reagan. Speaking of Reagan, don't miss my sad but sincere post below.....

::: posted at 10:11 AM

On the passing of Reagan

I have a bag of mixed emotions surrounding the passing of Ronald Reagan, former President and Governor of California.

First, I'm pissed at the media (yet again) for yanking on my emotional chain by showing the crowds hanging around Los Angeles waiting for the funeral motorcade to pass by. It pisses me off because I know what they are trying to do, but at the same time, I fell right into their trap and got all choked up and actually starting balling last night as I watched the media coverage.

Jeez, I did not know how deeply I felt about the man. Now that I've been forced to remember Reagan, I remember he was really a pretty cool dude. He seemed very genuine, gentle, and caring. He seemed to really care about this country and took his Presidency pretty seriously. He was light-hearted and made fun of himself before anyone else could. This and other characteristics endeared him to the American people. I'm not a Republican, but I really like the man.

It is amazing the influence his passing is having on Southern California. A LOT of people took Monday off to mourn. The moment of silence in the stock exchange in New York for two minutes was moving. The markets and the government will shut down Friday for a day of mourning for the man. All this is a bit overwhelming for me. My commute home last night was the lightest it has been since I began this new commute over a year ago. My pass through one of the top five busiest freeway interchanges in the world during rush hour, was like a Sunday morning. It is all too fucking much!

I'd go to Simi Valley to pay my respects like everyone else but I don't want to fight traffic and 8 hours of waiting, just to get to the coffin and find myself in a state of shock, pain, and a loss of how to express myself. Then I'd start sobbing, and I'd be a wreck and a blabbering, idiotic cry-baby. And Southern California can not handle a blabbering, crying, faggot standing at Ronald Reagan's coffin. No sirreee. Nope. Nada. Nine.

Instead I'll go home and watch the news, let them yank my chain, and I'll cry my eyes out.

::: posted at 9:49 AM

Monday, June 07, 2004 :
Happy Monday Morning from Los Angeles
I weighed in again at the gym and I lost two pounds. I'm down to 177.9 lbs.
Saturday night I decided to go out and went to Trunks to play a bit of pool. I got bored of that and took a stroll over to Mother Lode. I like Mother Lode. It's cruisy and friendly. Not a lot of attitude like some of the other bars in the area here.  Some handsome gentlemen introduced themselves to me and their friends. One guy came in with a friend all dressed up and he began flirting with me. Turns out we'd met before, but he did not tell me that, and played me for a while before I figured out I'd met him about a year ago.  I won't say more than that, but that we had a repeat performance and it was a lot more memorable than the first time.  And this time I got an invitation to a "brunch" party coming up later in the month....
I saw Day After Tomorrow over the weekend.  I loved it. That's all I'm going to say about it.
I started another blog site, which at this time I am keeping private. It is a journal of my investing goals and daily trading activities. I'm taking this daytrading thing seriously, and I'm tracking my thoughts and profits/losses on a blog site, which maybe one day I will share.
Have a nice day.

::: posted at 5:02 PM

Saturday, June 05, 2004 :
Oh, and another thing!
I saw the movie Troy last weekend. I have to admit when I saw Brad Pitt naked and rolling over on top of that lady, I got a distinctive rise in my groin area.  It was like soft porn! Brad is such a turn on for me. And he is 40 years old! I love that (that he is THAT old and looks SO good).
I really hope my mom never reads this blog!
Oh, and while I'm remembering things, and going all over the map of thinking space, I weighed in at the gym on Sunday, and I am at 179 lbs.!  This was such a relief for me, considering I broke my toe several weeks ago and have not been able to do fat-burning aerobic exercise. I've been working out to stay toned, and I've changed my diet to lower net carbs, bla bla, and it all seems to be working. I am quite pleased about this....
Hey Brad, wanna come play with me? We can wrestle and throw javelins together!  Just email me and I'll give you my phone number.

::: posted at 9:39 AM

Thursday, June 03, 2004 :
Damn, I've been busy lately.  Or maybe preoccupied is a better word.  I've been seriously studying the markets and searching high and low for investing opportunities. I'll be sure to let you know if I strike it rich.
Two Sunday's ago (or is it three?) I saw an open house at a condo just up the street from me in West Hollywood. I was on my way back from shopping at Whole Foods groceries and I saw the open house. I bought my condo a year ago and was curious to see what the condo market was like in my hood.  I entered the front entrance to the open house at the exact same time as another guy.  We chatted briefly, and rode up the elevator together.  Everyone at the open house thought we were together. He introduced himself to me and we left together, and he asked if I'd like to have coffee sometime. Not being one to turn down an offer of a date, I said yes.  I don't know what it is, but it seems all the guys that come on to me lately are all in their 20's!  I'm flattered, sure. But why that age group? Is it because all the cuties in their 30's and up are all in relationships? Or they don't have the confidence to be aggressive with me? I don't know. But I am getting much better at knowing immediately if someone is not right for me. This one was not. So after an initial date of dinner together in WEHO (which was a nice time), I knew I would not be able to date the guy.  So I told him so on the day we were scheduled to get together again.
Ya know, I guess I really don't mind being single?! If I really wanted a boyfriend I'd have one. Will I ever want one I wonder?
Oh by the way, the condos were in the $700,000 range!!!! OH MY GAWD! That is toooo much money for a condo!

::: posted at 3:18 PM



Formerly "A Day in the life of a Gay Guy", I've changed the name to reflect more of how I'm thinking. Being Gay is not the focal point of my life. I'm a guy with interests like everyone else, I just happen to be Gay.

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