I'm sad to admit that until this year I actually have never participated in the West Holloween party. I tried to go last year (or was it the year before?) but it was raining and nobody was around. This year of course it fell on a Sunday and the weather was great and there were so many thousands of people! Some friends of mine talked me into wearing a costume (provided by them at the last minute). I wore a rather tight dress and a blonde wig and some funky sunglasses. It was really quite fun. I could be a goof-ball and nobody even knew who I was! People were taking our pictures and seemed to really enjoy our costumes.
What got my attention the most was the fact that so few people got dressed up! All the straight people come to West Hollywood to see the "fags" dress up and it was pretty disappointing. But I'm glad I dressed up and I'll probably do it again (with a little encouragement from my friends).
I should have provided some pictures for your entertainment right? Well I'm sorrrrrryyyyyy! OKAY? It's all I can do to even keep writing (as you can see from my lapses).
I've been busy and well, LAZY and have not been writing. So sue me already.
For those of my fans who must know what I've been up to here's a quick update:
Trip to Denver. Warmer than I expected, and had lots of drinks and food and...
The kitchen sink got stopped up and it took the plumbers 3 trips to finally fix it. First they replaced all the pipes under the sink (it was leaking and flooded the apartment below me), then they "snaked" the pipes from the top floor to the garage and it was still stopped up. Finally "they" came into my unit and plunged the sink to their hearts content and it finally started draining again (does life get any more exciting than this?)
My weight is stabilized at 178 lbs. Works for me! At my age and standing 6' 1.5" tall, I'm pleased with that.
The investing is going better than expected. I'm managing three accounts. One is a stock account (my largest), another is an options account, and the last is a futures account. I've done pretty well in the past three months on the stock and options accounts. I'm being very careful with the futures account, and have lost a small amount there. I recently bought some investing software that allows me to back test my trading strategies and "optimize" them. So far things look very promising.
The election. FUCK Bush.
Getting up at 4:30 a.m. most mornings to be in the office by 6;30 to be there when the stock market opens
Refinanced my condo! I've only had the thing for a year and a half and already the value has gone up $100,000. I transferred my first and second into one first and the payments went WAY down and I got cash out. I'm using the cash to pay off all my consumer debt and put some into my investments. I should have no reason or excuse to EVER get back into debt again. I'm very grateful.
Trip to a couple days at the Ojia Vally Innn and Spaw. Yippers
Sorry I can't seem to do any better than this today. I'll get creative again, I promise.
Formerly "A Day in the life of a Gay Guy", I've changed the name to reflect more of how I'm thinking. Being Gay is not the focal point of my life. I'm a guy with interests like everyone else, I just happen to be Gay.